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1. HETA Power Africa project for the electrification of health establishments


HETA's POWER AFRICA Project's mission is to catalyze public-private partnerships for sustainable economic models that increase access to reliable, renewable energy and digital connection. OffGridBox (OGB), an implementation partner for solar electrification solutions, has obtained a grant from HETA for the electrification of at least 3 HFs in the province of Kasaï Oriental among the 10 preselected, in collaboration with the DPS and IHP, on a list approved by the USAID mission in the DRC.

Main objective.

Contribute to improving population access to quality care through sustainable electrification and digital inclusion of health care establishments and community care sites in the DRC

it is an intelligent device designed to measure the voltage of electric current; this device controls and transmits information in real time to the Cloud.

For the moment, several 2 provinces have been selected; We have

-  North Kivu Province;

-  Kasai Oriental Province.


a) Power Watch Project: Data Presentation Workshop on Quality and Reliability.

Workshop to present data on the quality and reliability of electricity in the Health Training Centers of North Kivu in the room of the North Kivu Continuing Training Center. RCHA-RDC ASBL Consortium, Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory of UC Berkeley and the Provincial Health Division of North Kivu.

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b) HETA: Electrification de l'Hôpital Général de Référence de Dibindi à Mbuji-Mayi, Province du Kasaï Orienta

Projet d'Electrification de l'Hôpital Général de Référence de Dibindi à Mbuji-Mayi, Province du Kasaï Orienta


c) HETA : Formation des Techniciens pour Électrification des structures sanitaires de de la ville de BUTEMBO

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Health Electrification and Telecommunications Alliance (HETA) en Formation des techniciens pour l'électrification des structures sanitaires au Nord-Kivu à Butembo et des communautés en date du 29 mars 2024.

2. POWER WATCH project


Power Watch: is a smart device designed to measure the voltage of electric current; this device controls and transmits information in real time to the Cloud.

RCHA-RDC in partnership with Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory "RAEL" of  University of California Berkeley have succeeded in installing this device in 27 health structures in the Democratic Republic of Congo, including 25 in North Kivu, 1 structure in South Kivu at the Panzi General Reference Hospital and 1 at the Tadu Health Center Faradja in the Haut-Uélé Province for:

  • Reduce the risks of equipment breakdowns due to power disruption

  • The link between electricity quality and medical service delivery remains little explored

  • Characterize the state of play on the quality and reliability of electricity in health structures in North Kivu

  • Guide the research study into advocacy and interventions to improve the quality of
    provision of medical services

  • Pilot new methods of collecting precise and real-time data

a) Power Watch Project: Data Presentation Workshop on Quality and Reliability.

Workshop to present data on the quality and reliability of electricity in the Health Training Centers of North Kivu in the room of the North Kivu Continuing Training Center. RCHA-RDC ASBL Consortium, Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory of UC Berkeley and the Provincial Health Division of North Kivu.

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b) Power Watch project in the health structure in the Far North

Visit to the electrical installations in a health structure and the treatment room during the study of the evaluation of the quality of electricity in health facilities in North Kivu


c) Power Watch project: Guided tour during the installation of the Great North devices.

Visit to solar energy in a health structure during the installation of Power Watch in the town of Beni


d) Power Watch project: Guided tour of medical imaging facilities in Butembo.

Visit to medical imaging installations and electricity supply sources in a health facility in the town of Butembo


e)Power Watch Project: Guided tour of the facilitiesNeo-neonatology in a health structure in a  Clinic in BUTEMBO

RCHA-RDc ASBL In the field for installation of power watch in a health facility in Butembo.


e) Power Watch project: Guided tour of the power watsh device installations in Minova

Descent from RCHA-RDC, Offgridbox to Minova in the province of South Kivu to visit the health and water supply project of the ASILI organization


f) Power Watch Project: Installation of Power Watch at the Panzi Reference Hospital in South Kivu

Installation of power watches at the Panzi General Reference Hospital in the South Kivu Province


g) Power Watch Project: Visited Partnership activities with APETAMACO in Kayina; in the territory of Lubero Sud in North Kivu

With the aim of evaluating the project activities  electrification rural areas in Kayina, Kirumba and Mighobwe. the RCHA-RDC ASBL and RAEL team from the University of California Berkeley in APETAMACO partner activities in Kayina  in the Lubero Sud territory in North Kivu.

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g) Power Watch Project: Electrification Activity; rural in Kayina, Kirumba and Mighobwe

Visit to the Mighobwe/Kirumba community hydroelectric power plant on the Lusukwe River in Lubero territory by RCHA-RDC asbl and RAEL from UC Berkeley


g) Power Watch Project: Exchange of experience in methodological approaches to the study of electricity quality assessment.

RCHA-RDC ASBL, RAEL and Spot light Kampala carried out an exchange of experience in methodological approaches to the study on the evaluation of the quality of electricity in health facilities in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Electricity quality assessment of electricity in the Kampala slums of Uganda in Kampala.

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